About Me

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I am: The Djembe Warrior Drummer Princess, The Belly Shaking Goddess, The Seeker, The Mystic, and The Writer in Quiescence.


I vow to write in this blog at least ONCE a week about my journey as a writer. I promise that I shall conquer my fear of the Written Word and Blank Page/Screen. I will overcome the Writer's Block and will publish numerous times. I will grow as a writer and as a human being undeterred by the daily hardship and nuisance. (Yeah right....)


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Collection of My Own Profound Thoughts

Procrastinating. Have so much to do, but maybe blogging will lift my mood. 

The following is a collection of the extremely intelligent thoughts that have stricken me in the most inconvenient moments requiring me to stop whatever I was doing at the moment and write them down.  And this was a very long sentence with lots of different clauses and phrases.  Feel free to borrow and quote my wonderful pearls of wisdom after paying ROYALTIES, for all of the following is COPYRIGHT PROTECTED.
I can't hide the fact that I'm that girl with a pen and a notebook, rushing to write down some smart thought which struck her right in the middle of a conversation. I can't hide the fact that I am that girl who is sitting on a park bench staring at a distance with a faraway look and then frantically scribbling something in her notebook.  
Writing is like a prayer -- you have to be utterly candid about your innermost darkest thoughts and selfish desires.
I like thinking.  In fact, I like thinking too much.  And I am narcissistic enough to think that my thoughts are profound enough to be put on paper.
I feel so much better going through the day with my eyes closed, not opened.
I didn't make the decision, the decision made me.
When you open yourself to your heart, it's like falling in love again.
Don't put your happiness in someone else's hands.
I'm not positive, I'm just trying not to be negative.
There's this creepy feeling of being completely out of place, out of sorts.  I don't belong here.  I feel like a cutout stuck on a wrong canvas in a collage.
It's easy to hide behind a sarcastic, self-deprecating remark, but to put raw unembellished emotions on page -- is a courageous feat.
And stop carrying anger wrapped around yourself like a cocoon.
He kissed her into submission.

1 comment:

  1. You wrote what I have felt. My favorite is,"He kissed her into submission."
    A romantic a heart.
